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Mayor Kim and his ongoing quest for da gold
Of all people on the planet, this mayor - who spent 20+ years as civil defense administrator before leveraging that position into a political career - knew, or should have known, the risks of residential development in the highest volcanic hazard zone in the US. Yet he chose to ignore those risks in eight years as mayor and did absolutely nothing to try to redirect residential development away from those high risk areas. Now he goes crying to the legislature for the rest of the state to pay for the costs of that stupidity.

I hope, faint though that hope is, that this county will have learned the cost of electing idiots to positions of leadership and responsibility...

Messages In This Thread
RE: Mayor Kim and his ongoing quest for da gold - by geochem - 02-01-2019, 04:43 AM
RE: Mayor Kim and his ongoing quest for da gold - by Guest - 02-01-2019, 10:22 AM

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