03-18-2019, 04:02 AM
Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge
The National Park Service may have assisted in the process:
The National Park Service in 2013 petitioned to designated the aquifer a state water management area, saying that the county does not have adequate controls over pumping to assure that the supply is not over-taxed. The county, lawmakers up to the federal level and local businesses have strongly opposed the designation...
Even if the petition is denied, Native Hawaiians will be back stronger and will resubmit, said Ruth Aloua, who identified herself as a cultural practitioner and guardian of the park fish ponds.
That effort by the Park had nothing to do with the fish ponds and everything to do with taking control of future development in the Kailua Kona area. Their claims that pumping of mauka wells was impacting water flow to the shoreline fish ponds wasn't supported by any of the field data presented to the Water Commission staff - neither their own data, nor that collected independently, supported their claims.
Not to mention it was a very cynical exercise in exploiting Hawaiian culture to support their operational imperative to control development on the Park's borders...