09-19-2006, 07:54 AM
It is a Common Box Crab, Calappa lophus, alive, slightly miffed. The tweo blades in front are his claws that pull together fro the front of the "box", his mouth & gills are the yellow striped area that is just behind, and protected by, the claws. These are 'winged box' crabs, as their legs are protected by the side wings. All & all, a nice protection, but still a broken bottle was not the most homey place to leave, so he was returned to the same area with a ledge...hopefully better...home. Oh, The cleanup dive was in no more than 10', so snorkelers can see all of the critters, including some that were listed as rare in the Hawaiian Islands!
Aloha, Carey
Aloha, Carey
Aloha, Carey
Aloha, Carey