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Another take on TMT - Aggrieved native Hawaiians

The sheer volume of condescension and outright racism on this site is staggering.

To assert that the host culture here is "unscientific" is just plain ignorant.

The Kanaka Maoli built trans-oceanic vessels from available materials with tools they made from available materials. They did this a thousand years ago. The simple fact that they used scientific principles to achieve this is undeniable.

SCIENCE: The intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.

Do you think they just blundered around (like Columbus) and crash landed here? On the contrary; they observed, recorded (through complex chants passed down by generations), adjusted and studied. They had an understanding of the stars unmatched by Europeans. They tried, failed, tried, failed, and tried again until successful. In other words; used the scientific method.
Ask a question.
Construct a hypothesis.
Test your hypothesis by doing an experiment.
Analyze your data and draw a conclusion.
Communicate your findings to others.)

They thrived here centuries ago without a written language, barges, or air freight by developing a sustainable system of agri/aqua culture. (Yes; Science)

Oh; They didn't have compass, satellites, internet or tractors? Don't minimize their accomplishments; They achieved a successful, sustainable, society without all that.

Superstitions? You mean like Christianity, but without the tax free donations?

Most of you would perish in a week without your cell phones, cars and electric wheelchairs. (Ahhhh,

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RE: Another take on TMT - Aggrieved native Hawaiians - by snorkle - 05-16-2019, 11:25 AM

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