09-24-2006, 05:00 PM
...I personally have decided to avoid certain parts of certain subdivisions, in an effort to avoid the creature.
Mmmm. Not to be a doom-sayer, but it seems to me that it's only a matter of time before the little critters invade one's peace and quiet...no matter what portion of what subdivision one chooses.
As other old-timers will attest I'm sure, it wasn't actually all that long ago that the entire island was silent.
They don't merely walk, hop, leap, and slither from one lot to the next, I'm afraid. They hitch-hike quite happily onto perfectly pristine properties...from bumpers and trailers and truckbeds and such as they unknowingly and quite-innocently of course deposit them on your street.
As far as where to invest ons's hard-earned dough these days? Ha! Geee, I dunno. I was kinda thinkin' 'bout "Ear-On" ("...apply directly to the eardrum."