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Homeless Encampment Off Railroad Ave in Hilo
Terracore posts:
It would probably be cheaper to maintain a camp with restrooms and security than the direct and indirect costs of homelessness. Cleaner and safer for everyone as well.
then Glinda:
I think homelessness makes a case for universal minimum wage (or whatever it's called), which, I believe, would cost the least and return the most of all possible remedies.
Agree Terracore! We seem to be "cleaning up" our properties in the same fashion that Genki Sushi should have been addressing it's cockroach infestation.
I'm all for keeping our parks clean and safe ......but what about the homeless problem? Do we just ignore it? I used to have to step over or around (literally) homeless people living under the bridge ( Wailoa Boat ramp to Hilo Bay). These people did not need a minimum wage job for God's sake, they were delusional. Then, this area was "cleared " of the homeless and fences were installed so not only they could not enter under the bridge, and take up residence there, we no longer could get to our boat slips, without traversing the busy street above.
Then. a few homeless found shelter under our club's boats on the bay. ( We have not been allowed to fence our property as the canoe clubs have been allowed). For a club family to arrive on our site, looking forward to a sail on the bay and finding strange people sleeping in or under the club boats is a frightening experience as many of these homeless are not rational. The next thing we know, we are battling the Parks Dept. to keep our location. Parks and Rec.s of course points out that "needles have been found on our premises". YES! They aren't OUR NEEDLES!!! And how many times have we reported theft and asked for night patrol?
The homeless I have encountered near our club's location, including one young woman on the verge of giving birth in our public restroom ( I called 911 for her), have been in no way capable of handling life .
We as a society waste time in engaging in an argument of who's fault it is that they are Schizo, Schizo-effective, bipolar, alcoholic or lazy. They are human beings in need of a home. I for one am immensely ashamed of our current society.

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RE: Homeless Encampment Off Railroad Ave in Hilo - by reni - 06-02-2019, 01:29 PM

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