07-11-2019, 06:21 AM
( not really a board meeting with only 2 persons eh?)
Dan, State statutes are available on line for all to read
414D-147 Quorum and voting.
(a) "Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the articles, or the bylaws, a quorum of a board of directors consists of a majority of the directors in office immediately before
a meeting begins.
(attention to the IMMEDIATELY BEFORE)
Craig resigned, making him no longer a board member until re-installed.
( The question of whether he resigned completely or simply for the remaining of his last term is not relevent when it comes to this statute.)
Therefore 3 remaining Board of Directors.
and surely , you have educated yourself on our own HPPOA bylaws.........
.... Article VIII Sec 6 Vacancy
vacancies shall be filled by vote of the majority of the remaining directors, even tho they may not constitute a majority.
What is your legal premise for your position?
and why would the others not participate in filling our Board vacancies?
And how else are we supposed to accomplish this task?
I did not attend this meeting but I heard that there were several who stepped forth to volunteer to serve on the Board who are in favor of professional property management.
(one can only hope)