05-11-2007, 01:29 PM
There has been a rash of thefts from construction sites in HPP this last week. They have been hitting sites in the middle of the day when the workers leave for lunch and stealing tools. I had $600 worth of tools stolen from one of my jobs down on Beach Rd when I ran up to the store at lunch, and another guy working on a new house on 1st lost everything at lunch time this week also. It use to be that we had to worry about loosing things at night, but now you cant even turn your back for a short time in broad daylight without being hit. Some of the people who live around here have a pretty good idea who is doing it, but until they get caught in the act, they keep stealing. And it all comes down to the one thing that is tearing Hawaii and our country apart; ice. It seems that it's the ice heads that are behind these thefts. The people they are targeting are hard working folks that rely on those tools to put food on their families table, it's sad and very frustrating. Especially when I look at how much money they spend on "Green Harvest", when they really should be focusing on "Ice Harvest". You dont see weed smokers running around stealing working folks tools, but that seems to be the m.o. of the iceheads. I believe if our country doesn't address the ice issue with a sense of urgency we are going to be in big trouble as a society. Sorry for the rant, just very frustrated...