08-09-2019, 11:36 AM
If you own a Federal Pacific or Zinsco breaker box don't bother with stocking up parts, just have it replaced. It has been proven that these panels win the "value engineering" award with their grossly undersized buss bars (what carries the "brunt" or line current in your panel), to undersized lugs on the overcurrent protector(breaker) that stab onto the buss bar.
Many breakers have "welded" themselves to the buss bar from moisture to overloading, and many insurance carriers are balking at insuring if you have one in your home.
Replace it with "Homeline", Square D, or similar panels that have the nice, bright, wide buss bar in the panel, and always use the dialectic grease on aluminum conductors (wires) where they attach to the breaker. The difference in heat ratings of copper and aluminum are very different, and applying the grease somehow keeps them from loosening over time.
Edit to correct first word, and add Zinsco.
Community begins with Aloha
Many breakers have "welded" themselves to the buss bar from moisture to overloading, and many insurance carriers are balking at insuring if you have one in your home.
Replace it with "Homeline", Square D, or similar panels that have the nice, bright, wide buss bar in the panel, and always use the dialectic grease on aluminum conductors (wires) where they attach to the breaker. The difference in heat ratings of copper and aluminum are very different, and applying the grease somehow keeps them from loosening over time.
Edit to correct first word, and add Zinsco.
Community begins with Aloha