01-14-2020, 05:59 AM
Mermaid since you seem to be the only official director on punatalk then I assume with your want to be transparent you will answer the questions the”many” are concerned with
Why did the general manager initiate a lawsuit against a director? Could this have been prevented by the former board? Did the former board address it? Was there any other unprofessional behavior by this director or yourself? If so what? If the general manager was to be obsolete who would run the Hpp business? Would you fire all staff? Who in your opinion is an appropriate replacement? Do you support Leo’ s decision to not pay dues and open an escrow account? How is it FACT that the current general manager is involved in 2 lawsuits? Many will appreciate your answers to these questions without them you, like Leo you are sputtering with no proof to your opinions.
Why did the general manager initiate a lawsuit against a director? Could this have been prevented by the former board? Did the former board address it? Was there any other unprofessional behavior by this director or yourself? If so what? If the general manager was to be obsolete who would run the Hpp business? Would you fire all staff? Who in your opinion is an appropriate replacement? Do you support Leo’ s decision to not pay dues and open an escrow account? How is it FACT that the current general manager is involved in 2 lawsuits? Many will appreciate your answers to these questions without them you, like Leo you are sputtering with no proof to your opinions.