07-05-2007, 05:12 AM
Let's say I have a vacant lot, which I don't just yet, but let's say I do. Okay. Did you say it? I can't HEAR YOU. So, anyway, I stare at it and stare at it. I even walk it, but that's had because it is very uneven and completely overgrown. It's kind of like that caveman who shills for Geico. So, should I give the caveman a haircut? That is, it seems like to me that before I could even dream of designing the house, I need to get the contours of the land, which I would only be able to see if I cleared the lot. I don't want to bulldoze it because that might get rid of any pretty lava formations I might want to keep...and maybe some rare species of plants. So, it is possible or advisable to hand clear a lot so you can see what you've got? Oh, yeah, and how much would that run for a half-acre? Any idea?