02-21-2020, 04:29 PM
Originally posted by Stillwater
KP you said Mylynn might have a copy of Craig creeley’s time stamped app as she was on the board at that time - no that was the 2018 elections and maylynn was actually not on the board but she was on the nominating committee maybe even the chair for the committee at that time and ran for a district director unopposed -maybe this should have Been viewed as a huge conflict?
Also this would not impact the current situation the 2019 elections are a separate election
I don’t see that as being a conflict of interest at all. Why would it be?
When I responded it sounded as if it was in regards to 2019. I’m sorry if that wasn’t the case.
“When your hate is louder than your love, your words have no meaning!”
“When your hate is louder than your love, your words have no meaning!”