03-04-2020, 09:50 AM
quote:Obie is creating a disservice with misinformation. The past majority board pulled out the Jul 2016 Conflict of Interest POLICY and attempted to use it against a couple of directors. The former treasurer used it against an FC member who was removed from that committee without proof of a lawsuit.
Originally posted by Obie
"The bylaws for conflict of interest hadn't been changed since 2010."
Here's the bylaw.I notice that each board shall annually adopt a policy that includes what is posted below.If a previous board had a stricter policy it became void with the new board until they have a meeting.
There is nothing in this bylaw about lawsuits.
Therefore this policy is still active. It most definitely has verbiage about LAWSUITS, arbitration or any legal action against the Association and any person(s) including board members, volunteers and residents involved is ineligible to serve as a volunteer or board director until it's resolved.
Not an opinion but FACT, Crelly isn't a 4th director and won't be until the court decides he is. Meanwhile NOTHING has changed, nothing new.
Please proceed cautiously with this person Obie's posts and her misinformation, disinformation, propaganda, rumors, alternate facts, and WISHFUL thinking.