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Shelves at Costco, Target, Walmart, etc. lately?
That Hawaii News story was from 2018.

Anyway, maybe my logic is crazy but this is the way I see it playing out. Someone please convince me I'm wrong. For the next 4-5 weeks, we are going to wish our lives were like the week prior. Unless we get a total lock down, we will look more and more like Italy. China, Singapore, South Korea all made it through for different reasons but took 1-2 months of sacrifice. Italy did nothing (much like the US) and is paying the price. We are about 3 weeks behind Italy.
Talked to my friend in San Francisco lock down and he said, "we are a smidge away from a total disruption in the food supply line and it's dicey right now." They are scared. My brother works in sales for a major meat supplier on the mainland and said work is like a video game right now. All the sales people do is "refresh" their computer for inventory updates and the instant it's updated it's sold out (like buzzing in for Jeopardy) and a certain Kroger in whatever region gets the order, then sold out. At some point there are no more hogs and cows to sell out. Most people won't eat beans, which is differnt issue.

Every day we postpone a lock down the longer the craziness will linger. People are still acting like it's not a big deal because it's fairly civil out there. Not for long. I logically see the following few weeks playing out like this:
Late next week or so, lockdown (seems we'll lock down when it's too late). Week or 2 after that, hospital overruns. When the overruns happen and on the news, anything left in stores will be gone. Week or 2 after that there will be violence on the streets. Not much government can do when a large part of the country is experiencing the same effects. It won't just be Seattle, New York, etc. It will be in too many places for the national guard or the army to maintain control.

For those that have not thought seriously about what the near future holds, this is LAST CALL to get what you might think you will need. I think within a few weeks time, we will all dream of the lives we have today.

Just my opinion, I so wish I'm wrong, but I don't logically see any other way.

PS - after the medical issues will come the economic. The world is selling all assets right now (including paper gold) to buy dollars. Thus, we will see serious deflation as world currencies decline and the dollar rises. Serious deflation is generally followed by hyperinflation. Consistent with a $1T + stimulus plan of paper money flooding the world. That's when precious metals skyrocket. Problem is, you can no longer buy gold and silver...sold out. Unless you want to give the metal dealers money for future orders that may never happen. The mints are all out.

Plan for your family's safety/health and think how you'll handle a month long lock down while the world does what it will do. Help our neighbors and be compassionate.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Shelves at Costco, Target, Walmart, etc. lately? - by Mindful - 03-21-2020, 04:32 PM
RE: Shelves at Costco, Target, Walmart, etc. lately? - by taropatch - 03-31-2020, 12:26 PM

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