10-28-2006, 04:25 PM
HoaleBoy, predictions aren't an exact science, there is a lot of sway and chance thats what keeps it interesting. You can only take position on the information you have at the time. I had the tigers back in Feb, not a bad run though. You should see my NHL, NBA and NFL picks.
Aaron: Are you really so naive to think that all suffer the same lot in life. I have moved out of the work force a couple years back after I sold off my RE (call it semi-retirement), now I am just a lowly stay-at-home-dad. After my boy is a bit bigger I will probably go back to real work. Oh yeah, I rent, not because I dont want to own but because of rent vs own cost ratios. It makes better fiscal sense, a house isnt a home its an expense. I am honing my skills and knowledge not my resume, but I do plan on going back to get a bit more schooling. Not everyone is ill affected in a down economy only those who failed to position themselves. I am hoping my fore-thought and positioning will serve me well and I may profit from the down-turn like I did the up-turn. I can't declare a depression, government economists will declare that after it happens. Why do you curse my lantern and I(reference Diogenes)? I am just trying to provide insight, not alot of people move in financial circle or understand markets like they should. How about a gem from Bloomberg:
But what does it mean?
Aaron: Are you really so naive to think that all suffer the same lot in life. I have moved out of the work force a couple years back after I sold off my RE (call it semi-retirement), now I am just a lowly stay-at-home-dad. After my boy is a bit bigger I will probably go back to real work. Oh yeah, I rent, not because I dont want to own but because of rent vs own cost ratios. It makes better fiscal sense, a house isnt a home its an expense. I am honing my skills and knowledge not my resume, but I do plan on going back to get a bit more schooling. Not everyone is ill affected in a down economy only those who failed to position themselves. I am hoping my fore-thought and positioning will serve me well and I may profit from the down-turn like I did the up-turn. I can't declare a depression, government economists will declare that after it happens. Why do you curse my lantern and I(reference Diogenes)? I am just trying to provide insight, not alot of people move in financial circle or understand markets like they should. How about a gem from Bloomberg:
But what does it mean?