03-29-2020, 03:10 PM
I don't know but IMO looks like Stillwater's grasping at straws. She established on PT that she doesn't know the ByLaws and that the board of directors she was on had complete control of HPPOA. They outnumbered two directors and want to play the blame game. Isn't that what kids do? Stillwater thinks we're stupid enough to swallow that. I witnessed the most dysfunctional HPPOA board of directors I ever saw. To amplify their dysfunction they thought a lawsuit would solve their problems. All they did was cause a hell of a lot of problems for HPPOA! Now Stillwater thinks she's going to solve her problems on a Punatalk forum?!! She has no control, it's in the court's hands. Enough whining Stillwater! It ain't going to make one bit of difference in court.