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COVID-19 confirmed in Hawaii: 607+ cases 16 deaths
Durian, I think our version of a stay-at-home directive will *slow* the spread, but there are so many exceptions the virus will still be spreading. With enough tests in a short window of time, we could completely lock down the infected (no working the checkout line for a few weeks, no trips to the store, no leaving the house) until it truly was eradicated here. Then reopen the economy, and start allowing tourists that test clean to come back. At that point, if rich tourists want to ride out the epidemic at one of our fine resorts, we can allow them to and charge a premium for it.

ETA: "known cases" is the problem. Without sufficient testing of the population we don't know the true extent of asymptomatic transmission.

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RE: COVID-19 confirmed in Hawaii: 607+ cases 16 deaths - by randomq - 04-06-2020, 05:26 AM

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