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Shelves at Costco, Target, Walmart, etc. lately?
Got an early start today.
Stopped by Pahoa Long's about 8:45am.
They now have a 9am opening time.
While waiting, I realized that I had forgotten my wallet.
So, made a quick run home to get it.

Numbers in the store were light.
Still can't find alcohol.
They've finally got some acetaminophen in, Tylenol's generic, got a big box.
I don't use it, but M'Lady wanted some.
Shelves in all stores have been empty until today.
People have been passing NSAIDs up, always plenty on the shelves.

I finally decided to go to town, needed to check for a item at Wally's World, much to my reluctance.
From what I've seen in there, I consider it to be a prime place to get an infection.
At first I was ticked off that they made me walk 1/2 way around the building to find the opening of the entry lane, then back to the store entrance, just to walk right in.
It was early.
Maybe later in the day there may be entry lines as they do seem to be trying to limit the numbers in the store.

I found the item I was there to get.
I'm sure I only found it because of how early I was.
It always seems to be gone from the shelves by afternoon.

Decided to look around the store and did pick up a few other things.
The brand of cat food we usually buy was gone.
That could lead to problems.
I used to buy good expensive cat food online.
We'd mix it with a small amount of a cheaper generic cat food.
The cats got finicky and wouldn't eat the expensive food.
So, I quit buying it.

M'Lady began to give them cans of wet food.
Then, they began to turn their noses up at that.
Now all we give them is what they want, one of the Purina "Happy Meals" quality of dried food.
They do supplement with geckos, anoles and rats, though.
But, they will not accept good quality food from us.

Any one seen bottles of alcohol, 70-91%, around?

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Was a Democrat until gun control became a knee jerk, then a Republican until the crazies took over, nothing left.
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Was a Democrat until gun control became a knee jerk, then a Republican until the crazies took over, back to being a nonpartisan again.
This time, I can no longer participate in the primary.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Shelves at Costco, Target, Walmart, etc. lately? - by taropatch - 03-31-2020, 12:26 PM
RE: Shelves at Costco, Target, Walmart, etc. lately? - by 1voyager1 - 04-09-2020, 01:13 PM

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