11-11-2006, 03:39 AM
...I told myself I'd choke out the first Mexican I came across in Hawaii upon my return home...
I am sorry your experience has been so poor but I am glad my father and I didnt meet you then (choking)...but we dont in any way need your pity. gross generalizations in any form are usually not a good thing.
The things you mentioned about corruption is here too. BIG TIME... wondering why all those political threads? Because one ethnic group (gross generalization) for many years controlled the legislature, medicine, legal, county government. Times are changing - like her or not, we now have a white woman as govenor. That in itself is a big change. Heck for the first time, we have a Non-local white building inspector (from California no less!!!!)
You just dont see it on the surface here in Hawaii quite as clearly as in some countries. With the Asian influence on saving face, most corruption occurs quietly behind closed doors in this state. We have Mayor Harry Kim because many people were sick of the county level of corruption (yamashiro, et al), and he had proved himself as an responsible civil defense director for many years. He represented (true or not) the voice of the people and only took $5 campaign donations.
I personally believe it is easier to deal with corruption upfront, than pretending it doesnt exist.
And here we have veered very far away from the thread.