11-16-2006, 06:06 PM
Jared, Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt, thats what you've been preaching (along with a lot of other people). I've been following your posts, it seems you just relish that our economy is going to be destroyed. You sound like a little miser, who is jumping for joy because the sky
is falling.
Edited by - Aaron S
If I was preaching anything I would be preaching fundamentals and realism. Do I think our economy will be in trouble sooner than later, well yeah but I have specific reasons. Aaron can you please find me a tree that grows all the way into the sky, then space then into another dimension?
What do you care about my financial positions? Who are you calling a little miser? I couldn't be a big miser, come on give me some credit, that hurts from a Poly Anna like yourself. The only place I like relish is on my hot dogs, unless you place chutneys and other condiments in with relishes (some do some dont); this cause a deliema cause I like some chutneys but not the ones with raisins I never really liked raisins, same with prunes. I digress...
John & John:
I think realtors do a job just like everyone else. If there is value in the job they do people will continue to use them. Although I kind of feel with the growth of the internet, realtors will be squeezed much like travel agents in the mid 90s when their data system became public. A lot of MLSs are becoming more and more public, but people pay for convience. I think John & John do good jobs for their clients, people seem to think so. Do I think realtors cause global warming or are in on a fix with the Pope? No, but I think if you were you guys would tell us, right? Hey Aaron they make money in up and down markets, criminalize them. Can you guys answer me one question? If prices can go up 100% in a few years, what stops them from going down say 30% in a few years?
Economies are cycles, much like seasons, real estate, the bond market, the stock market, skirt lengths and fashion, Ducatis and Harleys. Again trees don't grow into the sky.
Edited by - Jared I on 11/16/2006 22:09:35