04-03-2021, 12:22 AM
I waited for the opening day crowd to die down a little but I finally went today. The aisle signs are up now. The parking lot was crowded but doable. Parking spaces seemed like a reasonable size. What I found most interesting, aside from the cart shortage (more are on their way, I'm told) was that when you exit the store, there is no direct way to take your cart into the parking lot. Why a curb instead of a ramp? You need to go through the handicapped parking spaces to access the lot. Weird. Also, aisles have barely enough room for two carts to pass but the deli area is overly spacious. Still scratching my head about the in-store bar. Good prices on organic dairy, really good looking produce, good assortment of fresh fish and a ridiculous amount of wine and liquor. And Aaron sitting on the ground just outside the store. There's no place like home.
Certainty will be the death of us.