04-12-2021, 01:09 AM
Early in the pandemic we heard a lot of hot air from our feckless politicians and their minions about reshaping the Hawaii economy to be less dependent on the prevailing version of the tourist business. Like always, nothing came of all the talk, despite polls indicating the citizens of the state were willing to endure some hardship to achieve a transition. People in places like Maui and Oahu are really tired of the mass tourism model and want a break. We are fortunate in a way to live in a less touristy part of the state, but we have our moments over here, too. As usual, entrenched interests and easy tax money win out over finding a smarter way. And to be fair, I have to say that nobody, including me, has come up with a really solid idea about how to diversify. I get the feeling, though, that the powers that be didn't really even try.