11-29-2006, 02:31 PM
Maybe it's that BIG ASS VOLCANO that looks like the top of the hill in Puna thats "fixin" to blow ??? or ?? or ?? maybe it's because those huge lava tubes that criss cross Puna will come to life one day soon ??? I see it like this, I'll take my chances and enjoy the hell out of living in Hawaii each and every day until the day the rock blows up. Were all gonna die, might as well leave the Grandkids a kickass story about hows "Pops" "bought THE Farm".
"yeah..my Grandpa was pretty cool...he lived in Hawaii...a Volcano blew up and killed him" now how cool would that be ??
"yeah..my Grandpa was pretty cool...he lived in Hawaii...a Volcano blew up and killed him" now how cool would that be ??