11-30-2006, 12:08 PM
Here is the current state of affairs nation-wide: http://realestate.aol.com/article/_a/slo...0909990001 Pretty grim overall, even places like Washington, D.C (and surrounding areas) which historically were insulated from these dramatic shifts has been hit hard. On the bright side this article has some very good coping (short/long term) strategies for the current environment. If anyone is caught in the current situation hope these suggestions help.
Will Peratino
Here is the current state of affairs nation-wide: http://realestate.aol.com/article/_a/slo...0909990001 Pretty grim overall, even places like Washington, D.C (and surrounding areas) which historically were insulated from these dramatic shifts has been hit hard. On the bright side this article has some very good coping (short/long term) strategies for the current environment. If anyone is caught in the current situation hope these suggestions help.
Will Peratino
Will Peratino