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Vaccinated People Spread The Delta Variant, CDC Says
(10-18-2021, 07:49 AM)TomK Wrote: I still haven't seen a serious response to the questions about vaccinations being more dangerous than Covid. I'm starting to believe there won't be one.
Aside from coincidence / causation. your going to have to wait for more data to come in. one thing that recently came out is some of the testing done with the vax was done on aborted fetal tissue so at least we know there was some human trials early on in its development lol.
Another interesting story coming out is that heart conditions have skyrocketed this last year. at least 25% in certain areas (that coincidentally are high vax rates) but doctors are befuddled as to why. Hmm... not like its one of the primary side effects listed for the vaccines or anything. I wonder if the cancer rates are going to spike next.

Its really quite amazing actually if you think about it, a never before used vaccine, that is not like any vaccine we used before. People are made to believe that its just like any other vaccine they have been given in years past, but its not. Deployed on billions of people all over the world with hardly any testing. At least the previous corona virus vaccine they tried to make was tested on the ferrets, Not this time. No, straight to the vein..
The grandest medical experiment humanity has ever experienced and you people are pissed off were not going to jump on board.

Quite frankly you are angry at the wrong people. You should be asking why the same people that paid for weaponized gain of function. something that would be illegal in our labs here in the states, was being done by a lab that just happened to be in the same town where the virus broke out in. And then when these experts get caught in a lie saying they didnt perform gain of function experiments nobody is held accountable. Its Stockholm syndrome and you guys need to snap out of it.

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RE: Vaccinated People Spread The Delta Variant, CDC Says - by kander - 10-18-2021, 02:04 PM

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