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solar or wind set up, anyone else recently get it?
Another Helco hater!

Thinking of getting a solar or wind set up. Anyone else recently do either? Looking for costs, who you used and what you are getting out of it. Our average KWH use per month is around 250. That's around $100.00 now but over the next three to four years I assume Helco will find a way to make that cost $1000.00 or more. I keep checking my outlets for gold or diamond dust leaking out but haven't noticed any yet. We are ridiculous about conserving and we still get over $100.00 a month bills. We shut everything off with surge protectors at night, unplug things not in use, have a completely gas stove it doesn't even have a clock, we have a solar hot water heater, we only water plants with gravity feed, we don't have the UV filtration set up. Its crazy! I cant imagine what a family of 4 with air conditioning is paying. Any help out there with solar or wind? We are in Ocean View, I know we are not in Puna but this is the best Web Board on the island and has help the most.

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solar or wind set up, anyone else recently get it? - by dirk1609 - 02-28-2008, 12:34 PM

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