05-04-2022, 07:47 AM
My first home in Hawaii was in HOVE, and after my first break in experience which happened while I was at home I bought an Arma bean bag 'gun' whose less than lethal designation was dubious depending on the area of the body being impacted. Then I moved to lower Puna where I loaded my .410 with rock salt (illegal in HI). Now that Tasers are legal, I have one that shoots darts as well as shocks with direct contact. Every icehead is a badass until he tastes 1400 volts. YMMV. This is not legal advice. There are plenty of proponents of large and noisy dogs but I would feel very guilty if my dog was poisoned or otherwise injured while performing his guarding duties. Cameras only work if they are uploading their motion activated video to the cloud via cell service which depends on your coverage and budget options. I had a neighbor on Pohoiki Road who left everything unlocked because he "was not attached to material objects" and bully for him.