12-29-2006, 01:19 PM
Actually, the government of Ukraine reports that several hundred people are still living in the "hot zone" around Chernobyl despite decades of efforts to clear the area. Some are even farming the contaminated soil for subsistence. It is illegal to sell crops from the worst areas since some veggies apparently concentrate radioactive isotopes. (You have to wonder how much gets cheated into the food supply.) Many of the local invertebrates have frequent genetic mutations and formerly edible mushrooms are now poisonous.
But, hey, it's free real estate. It makes those lots near Kalapana covered with 1992 pahoehoe look positively attractive. (And there are people living there, too.)
But, hey, it's free real estate. It makes those lots near Kalapana covered with 1992 pahoehoe look positively attractive. (And there are people living there, too.)