(10-09-2022, 08:44 AM)TomK Wrote: It may be news to you, but it's widespread speculation in the scientific community that finding a habitable planet might be the only way humanity can survive in the long term, and TMT would provide the data to find such a planet, e.g.,
OMG, Tom, the TMT is not some frickin' savior of us all, and anything, everything it can do others will do regardless if it's built of not. It's a telescope man. And before all is said and done it'll be no more than a dime a dozen peek a boo into the past. Nothing more. And by the time you get done with your fantasies they'll be others that'll do the same thing. No you can not walk on water.. get over it.
You know, your harping on all this just makes the entire project less desirable.. far less something many would support. Had you all found another way to address your concerns, and figured out how to play nice with others, the EPA wouldn't be telling the NSF to find an alternative. As it is, you're the poster child of no way man..
While me? little ol' me who seems to drive you silly, I still love the thing, though I think with each new spin around the sun we're getting that much closer to the big boys deciding to put it in space.. and leave the mountain to the old school guys. It's just a hunch.. an old man's fantasy.. but hey if you listen to Obie tell it, it could be a flashback... oi!