01-04-2007, 04:47 AM
Alas, we too have befallen to the nonstop feeding of hugh groups of birds. It all started with just a few but the word got out and now I think every bird on the northside of Ainaloa Blvd. knows about our feeder, and maybe the south side too! I try to keep up with them but they can empty my feeder in one day. They are great fun to watch too and I sure haven't seen any centipedes for awhile so that would make it worth the 5# bag of seed a week for sure! I bought a plastic feeder from walmart that can be washed out because of the mold that occurs in the bottom and I get the seed each week at walmart when I am there. If I run out towards the end of the week, the birds just go to the seed on the high grasses around and seem to wait for the easy pickens to come back.