01-04-2007, 12:00 PM
The current ENSO (El Nino Southern Oscillation) is supposed to be a weak one, which correlates with low rainfall. I heard early predictions that rainfall is expected to be half of normal. I don't think it's been raining very much up here in Volcano. In late Oct., we had to drain out a full 10K gal. of water in order to have our liner replaced because of a pin-hole-sized leak. We got two loads of county water (2/3rds of a 10k gal. tank) in late Oct. and the tank has still not filled with rainfall. In summer, the tank filled from a 1/3 level in about a month and a half.
Even with the carbon filtration component of our water treatment, the county water still has a chlorinated taste. When our tank filled with rainwater this summer, the taste went away. So, we haven't had enough rain to top off our tank and dilute the taste.
Nit-picking: Beachboy, El Nino is masculine, La Nina is feminine. And they refer to different kinds of events.
Even with the carbon filtration component of our water treatment, the county water still has a chlorinated taste. When our tank filled with rainwater this summer, the taste went away. So, we haven't had enough rain to top off our tank and dilute the taste.
Nit-picking: Beachboy, El Nino is masculine, La Nina is feminine. And they refer to different kinds of events.