(04-15-2023, 03:53 AM)AaronM Wrote: I'd like to hear a hydrogeologist agree with you that this wouldn't be a big deal..
'Tis a shame geochem doesn't chime in here anymore.. but hey. We, the Island of Hawaii, has more fresh water than we could ever use, a massive amount that is virtually untapped underground, and amazingly stored off shore at depth. You might enjoy reading this paper he's a coauthor on that was published in the March 2021 edition of EOS..
From.. https://eos.org/science-updates/deep-sub...ic-islands
Deep Submarine Fresh Water: A New Resource for Volcanic Islands?
Which in part reads..
Here we describe how we discovered a vast submarine freshwater reservoir, which contains enough water to fill about 1.9 million Olympic-sized swimming pools, off the coast of the island of Hawaii…
And, by the telling it’s easy to imagine there’s much more still to be discovered..