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A new road through Paradise Park (??)
I've seen many accidents on 130 caused by people trying to enter across one lane of traffic and guessing wrong about on-coming traffic. I can not imagine how deadly 4 lanes would be. There are too many streets entering to put stop-lights. Too expensive and traffic would slow to a crawl. Not to mention that the residents that live or have property on 130 would probably feel just as outraged that THEIR piece of "Paradise" is being taken from them and that THEY are being asked to shoulder the burden AGAIN because no one else wants it in THEIR backyard. If anything (not a certainty here is it) is done, some people will be inconvenienced and not be happy campers.

I have no idea what a reasonable, affordable, acceptable, and functional solution is. But my gut and logic tells me that on an island prone to, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, and hurricanes (did I miss anything?), to have only one route, no matter how wide or good it is, to get people in and out of a rapidly growing area, is a disaster waiting to happen.

That opinion and $3 will get me a cup of coffee.


Messages In This Thread
RE: A new road through Paradise Park (??) - by toucano - 01-23-2007, 01:49 PM
RE: A new road through Paradise Park (??) - by Aki - 01-24-2007, 02:52 PM

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