01-25-2007, 03:43 AM
Ah, the roundabout campain continues. Having driven them on frequent trips to England and Scotland, I eventually adapted to them. They can save time and fuel if used in the proper context, usually where a four-way stop sign would be in place otherwise. On busier highways, synchronized traffic lights work better at controlling the flow. Their success in Puna would depend on re-educating a driving public that is already under-educated. One of my English friends said, "This country is littered with the damn things, and they only work about half the time. The heavier the traffic, the worse they work." We even saw roundabouts with traffic lights! It turned out that some of them had to add lights after traffic increased beyond a certain level.
Just some thoughts on the subject. I actually do think they have a limited place in our efforts to deal with traffic.
Just some thoughts on the subject. I actually do think they have a limited place in our efforts to deal with traffic.