01-28-2007, 02:50 AM
Interesting article on pubic perception of different occupation prestige; RE on bottom on list, even below lawyers. I am sure that most RE are honest people working to make ends meet, but a few bad apples in the profession can give a black eye to the entire profession.
A Harris poll conducted last year that ranked occupations in terms of prestige placed real estate brokers at the very bottom of a list of 23 professions. (Firefighters and doctors were at the top.)
Edited by - adias on 01/28/2007 06:51:12
A Harris poll conducted last year that ranked occupations in terms of prestige placed real estate brokers at the very bottom of a list of 23 professions. (Firefighters and doctors were at the top.)
Edited by - adias on 01/28/2007 06:51:12