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Lava Ocean Adventures aboard the LavaKat
John, I read the TA thread - all 5 pages. The video as Shane said, isnt from him but someone who went out alone. The major portion of opposition was from you on that thread. **an observation**.

If you feel strongly about this I can understand your appraising people of the dangers of boating, hiking, or flying near the volcano. I kinda feel that you are specifically pointing out LOA as a bad guy.

So just a funny question - you do sell homes in Lava Zone 1 & 2 right? LOA's danger made be more immediate but yours maybe be more longterm. Just trying to get you to think about it... no make wrong. And maybe on the insurance question, is the same company that insures lava Zone 1 homes???

Edited by - kapohocat on 02/08/2007 15:15:42

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RE: Lava Ocean Adventures aboard the LavaKat - by Kapohocat - 02-08-2007, 11:12 AM

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