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Keep his job, fire him, demote him, or promote him?
According to court records, Kalilikane was arrested on Dec. 28, 2017, while riding a motorcycle and charged with inattention to driving, driving without a license and insurance, obstructed license plate, delinquent vehicle weight tax, no current safety check and registration not with vehicle.

Other traffic related convictions include: speeding, for driving 62 mph in a 45 mph zone on May 25, 2004; not wearing a seat belt and driving without insurance on Jan. 22, 2004; not wearing a seat belt on March 21, 2002; and running a stop sign on Oct. 9, 2000.
How in hell did he ever get approved to be hired in the first place?
The usual County method is...being a relative to someone.

He, along with the person responsible for his original hiring, need to be fired, immediately.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Keep his job, fire him, demote him, or promote him? - by leilanidude - 01-05-2025, 02:43 PM

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