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Roads Are Easements Not Planned Communities Or HOAs
(3 hours ago)Patricia Wrote: KP, it's on the HPPOA website, in black and white. You should know that, since you put the website together- right?

HPP is a private subdivision and receives no money from the State or County of Hawaii to maintain the common areas, including roads. The Hawaii State Supreme Court ruled that it is the responsibility of all lot owners to pay an annual road maintenance fee, the amount of which is to be determined by the Board of Directors. The fees are used for grading & material replacement on the lateral roads, the repair of the paved main roads, mowing & other types of vegetation control, sign repair and replacement, the removal of dead animals and rubbish left on the road sides, insurance & tree trimming.
No, I did not “put the website together”. I fixed what was messed up and added a few areas to make it make more sense. Your negative tone towards me is showing and isn’t appreciated. I’m not a child and don’t deserve your condescending tone.

I do not see where speed humps, bumps and tables are mentioned as a part of any of those acceptable items. As you have said to me before, we can make it (mailboxes on the roadsides) “fit” so we can use non road fees for roadside mailboxes. It appears we can make our own rules as long as you agree and we can massage it to “fit” what we want.

The photo is what I found in our bylaws.

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“When your hate is louder than your love, your words have no meaning!”

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RE: Roads Are Easements Not Planned Communities Or HOAs - by KPHawaii - 2 hours ago

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