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Roads Are Easements Not Planned Communities Or HOAs
(01-21-2025, 01:13 AM)Patricia Wrote: The chair of each committee shall seek prior
approval by the board for the actions of the committee.

The actions of the bylaws committee are outlined in the bylaws. There is a process. The 2018 BLC followed the process;

The BLC took the bylaw amendments to the 2018 February owners/members meeting.

Prior to taking the the amendments to the 2018 February owners/members meeting, the BLC reported to the board. 

The BLC having reported to the board and having shared the Bylaw amendments with the board, prior to the February 2018 owners/members meeting, then had the vote for the bylaw amendments PLACED ON THE 2018 owners/members AGENDA.

The 2018 BLC presented the proposed bylaw amendments to, in excess of, 100 owners/members at the 2018 February meeting.

The 2018 proposed amendments were then voted on by the owners/members and passed.

Whereby, the voted on and approved bylaws amendments were then forwarded to the HPPOA board (again) who then stated that they would seek legal review 

However, the HPPOA board, from 2018 until NOW, has NEVER sought or acquired legal review regarding the 2018 bylaw amendments.

The HPPOA board NEVER completed the process, as outlined in the bylaws, regarding the 2018 bylaw amendments

The 2018 owners/members vote, regarding the 2018 bylaw amendments, STILL STANDS

The current board MUST finish the process that was started. And they MUST share any legal "review" with owners/members regarding the 2018 bylaw amendments. 

In addition, any motions made since 2018, regarding the bylaws that are in conflict or entail the SAME  bylaw sections that were already voted on and approved in 2018 are null and void. 

The 2018 motions are VALID and were recognized by the HPPOA board. (Otherwise, why bother with legal review?)

THIS HPPOA board needs to honor the process as outlined in the bylaws.

You can’t have it both ways.

You are correct, KP you can't.
(And for clarification, I do not think Mr. Hamano would agree with you about he and I being friends.)

This board cannot amend bylaws, with their illegal bylaws committee and not follow the bylaw process.

The 2018 bylaw amendments were voted on, approved, and the board accepted them- next step "legal review."

Let's see that legal review.

And THEN, those 2018 bylaw amendments need to go back to the owners/members AGAIN for reconsideration.  THAT is the process

Would you suggest IF they send them to the attorneys and IF the attorneys approve them and IF the membership votes again we send them out to everyone, that would be a prudent decision, since the bylaws are being changed as we speak and some of those expensive bylaw changes will more than likely be changed again? Then the process has to go through the same approvals and mailing? If that were your personal bank account is that how you’d do it? Since it wasn’t handle properly 7 years ago maybe it’s best to wait until the current revisions are voted on and start the process over. Sometimes it’s in everyone’s best interest to use common sense and move on.

Is there something in those changes that haven’t been approved by the attorneys, that is so important it can’t wait? Do you know of the current committee has reviewed and taken into consideration those proposed changes?

(01-21-2025, 01:13 AM)Patricia Wrote: Can you read and understand that the person who wrote the bylaw, explained it to the Membership.

Nancy Cabral was not referring to the Bylaws Committee or the February 2018 bylaw amendments (context matters).

Nancy was referring to the Professional Management Research Committee, a committee that was looking for and recommending professional management (something the HPPOA board has always been against).

"Terri Stratton moved that the HPP (sic) Membership Professional Management Research Committee continue to work with Day-Lum Propert Management to get a full proposal and breakdown of cost relating to the road management and related business. Sandra Collins seconded the motion. 

Discussion: There was a question about whether the Chair went to the board... 

A long discussion: More information would be needed for further action by Day-Lum or any other possible management company to make an assessment to bid and that further information would have to be approved for release by the board.

What are you trying to say?

(01-21-2025, 02:15 AM)Obie Wrote: HPP BOD Meeting Minutes – November 21, 2018
Bylaws Review

Great information on the BOD meeting November 2018 Obie. Looks like someone might want to do a little more homework.
“When your hate is louder than your love, your words have no meaning!”

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RE: Roads Are Easements Not Planned Communities Or HOAs - by KPHawaii - 01-21-2025, 02:39 AM

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