02-16-2007, 02:46 AM
I'm in HPP, surrounded by coqui, and I simply don't hear them, never did from day one. When I'm on the phone to the mainland at night, I'm always asked what that noise is and I have to consciously sort of tune them in before I realize they're even there. There is a pretty dense population, judging from the number that flee the lawn mower each week. I have a feral cat colony that spends a lot of time in my yard and those cats hunt and eat coqui -- when they're in front of the house, they trigger the motion detector lights and I sit on the lanai and watch the cats pat the grass until the frogs jump then catch them and crunch, crunch, gone. The cats go right up the trees after the frogs also. My own elderly indoor cat has caught several wayward coquis that have made their way inside somehow and she bats them around awhile then she eats them too. The cats may also be considered an invasive species but they seem to be becoming "natural" predators to the coqui.
too soon old, too late smart
too soon old, too late smart
I don't know how I got over the hill without getting to the top.