02-18-2007, 01:41 AM
If Hawaiians here on the Big Island need a race of people to 'beef' with? They should do like the Hawaiians on Oahu, and give cracks to each and any Micronesian they see.
Good lord.
Aren't we just brimming with aloha, Beachboy?!
I can't believe you said that.
Perhaps you're unaware of the fact that the percentage of asshloes to decent folks is exactly equivalent in every single ethnic group on the planet.
I happen to have spent a good amount of time over the years in the islands of the Federated States of Micronesia: Kosrae, Pohnpei, Chuuk, and Yap, (as well as the neighboring republics of Kiribati and Palau), and I am not exagerrating in the slightest when I say that not only are the tiny islands of that vast geographical area spectacular, but the people as well.
There was plenty of time and there were plenty of opportunities for people to treat me otherwise, but all I ever experienced (or witnessed) was overwhelming kindness and gentleness and goodness.
And here on the Big Island?
Same deal.
Beautiful, interesting, family-oriented folks.
Getting an education.
Working to provide for their loved ones.
Living life to the fullest. Being good neighbors.
99.99999% of them.
Y'know, I'll be the first to champion your right to free speech here, Beachboy. No question about it. But please, as you indulge in that wonderful right? Think first. Then talk. Be a good neighbor, eh?
Edited by - malolo on 02/18/2007 06:02:41