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Is It True?Property prices to drop in a year or 2
Thats funny Maka,

It's been about 15 years since I've seen a garbage truck. We don't have those here unless you privately hire someone to come and get it. Growing up in Kane`ohe I didn't realize what a ammenity that was till I moved away. There are transfer stations in every community to take the trash to. I was visiting a friend on O`ahu and heard the truck at 5:00 a.m. picking up the cans of rubbish so I woke up my friend and told her "look garbage truck" she told me to shut up and go to sleep. lol! It's not to bad, it's just something we deal with on this island.


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RE: Is It True?Property prices to drop in a year or 2 - by Momi - 02-26-2007, 02:16 PM

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