02-26-2007, 05:41 PM
I for one appreciate Glens questions and concerns. How many people move to Hawaii from the mainland with the rose colored glasses on only to find it was not what they thought. Puna is not the Hawaii most people are dreaming of so I urge most people to look into things before they move. It is a big move to leave everything you know and come to a little rock in the middle of the pacific. Hilo/Puna is not for everyone and he is very smart to do his homework before he moves over. I was also tempted by the low prices of Puna but have decided to buy on Maui. Sorry, but "catching your water", frogs, rat piss, volcanos, a neighbor straight out of "Deliverance"...these are things that would be a concern to even people on the other islands. I know when I have told local people that live here on a shoestring buget about Puna, they say I would rather move to the mainland. Thats when my red lights went off for me. There are plenty that love the area but it is not for most. The prices for homes, even on the water, tell the story. Glen there are other islands where there is less to worry about and a lot more sun!
Edited by - tropicalnut on 02/26/2007 21:43:52
Edited by - tropicalnut on 02/26/2007 21:46:29
Edited by - tropicalnut on 02/26/2007 21:43:52
Edited by - tropicalnut on 02/26/2007 21:46:29