03-08-2007, 03:23 PM
Haole Girl;
What you think, being a realtor is like being in Fight Club?. Every profession has it's share of dummies, John's statement is not earth shattering. Nor incriminating.
You must be new at the real estate market on the Big Island (or perhaps the making a buck comment hits a little close to home) so post your real name so I can conveniently avoid you. I only work with professionals.
What you think, being a realtor is like being in Fight Club?. Every profession has it's share of dummies, John's statement is not earth shattering. Nor incriminating.
You must be new at the real estate market on the Big Island (or perhaps the making a buck comment hits a little close to home) so post your real name so I can conveniently avoid you. I only work with professionals.