03-30-2007, 10:47 AM
Carey to our rescue again :-) I just emailed the one on Craiglist and made an offer for a little less. It's out of our budget, but if it's a quiet one as stated in the specs, this would be perfect. I can make a puka in the window plug you helped us with for the exhause tube. He'll still have the large window to open when up. Thank you for making that call too! I may have a phone soon. My client had me sign up at Skype for the free phone call service (to those who have Skype), in preparation for some confercence calls, and they also have a fee based service for calling those who don't. It's really cheap. I've talked to California, with my headset and cable connection, and I'd swear I was on a regular phone.
Thanks again, and keep your fingers crossed.
on the portable:-)
Thanks again, and keep your fingers crossed.
on the portable:-)
"Taking you to the Heart of Hawaii"
"Taking you to the Heart of Hawaii"