04-03-2007, 02:10 AM
I know this is a somewhat stale thread, but I came across it as a result of my own discoveries about Shane Turpin and I have to set the record straight:
First off, the notorious video was shot on the LavaKat, and Shane is so proud of it that if you go to his YouTube page you can view it there. He takes full proprietary credit for it, so he's lying as this post asserts that Shane said it was taken aboard another boat that went out alone.
I have never met Shane, but from the photos I have seen online of him and his father, compared to the video, I think I could pick them both out pretty easily in a lineup.
Now, more of Shane's duplicity revealed: his so called history of taking family and friends out to the lava for years. Maybe there's a grain of truth to this, but there is also a sin of omission insomuch that he is not stating that he was formerly employed by Captain Roy Carvalho, a long time USCG licensed captain who has been doing lava excursions since 2005 in a much more seaworthy and technically advanced craft. Shane decided to leave the employ of Captain Carvalho and to start up his own "Lava Boat" business in a craft which is essentially a leisure craft. Shane does not have years of experience as a commercial captain under his belt, he has years as a fisherman under his belt. There is a tremendous difference between a man who is a professional licensed Captain, and someone who merely has a Captain's license. Need I say more? I think the video says enough.
As for the arguments about the sagacity and safety of taking any excursions out to view the lava, by boat, like any other activity there is risk management. I work for the world's largest insurer and fourth largest global corporation. I have seen death certificates stemming from the most bizarre to the most mundane. I believe that with the appropriate precautions, a professional captain, a worthy vessel with the special features required by the conditions of the sea for a particular excursion, and a wide buffer zone between the lava and the vessel, viewing lava can be done safely by boat. I would choose that modality over helicopter any day. I am no neophyte when it comes to the ocean, having grown up on the shore of the Atlantic and traveled around the globe.
In conclusion, if you think I am a local acting as a "shill" for Captain Carvalho, you are wrong. I have never been to Hawaii, but I am arriving in May. Because I value my life however, I did my homework to find the absolute most professional and safest operator to give myself and my brother access to the Lava, which I am unable to hike. Everything I have learned from this forum and TripAdvisor have only reinforced the initial impression I gained from Shane Turpin's website, which is that he is a rank amateur and opportunist trying to capitalize on the volcano without first making any investment.
John, I read the TA thread - all 5 pages. The video as Shane said, isnt from him but someone who went out alone. The major portion of opposition was from you on that thread. **an observation**.
If you feel strongly about this I can understand your appraising people of the dangers of boating, hiking, or flying near the volcano. I kinda feel that you are specifically pointing out LOA as a bad guy.
So just a funny question - you do sell homes in Lava Zone 1 & 2 right? LOA's danger made be more immediate but yours maybe be more longterm. Just trying to get you to think about it... no make wrong. And maybe on the insurance question, is the same company that insures lava Zone 1 homes???
Edited by - kapohocat on 02/08/2007 15:15:42