04-06-2007, 05:24 PM
I think the leveling off of the housing market is a great thing. We bought our house and paid cash and we’re in it for the long haul. So, a short down turn in house prices is good because we can buy a second house for a lot less and rent it out. Or, just maybe a lot and hold on to it and build later.
As far as employment goes it couldn’t be better in the construction industry. I work for a large G.C. in Hilo. We are having a very difficult time recruiting new employees.
There are no union painters in the hall and when working prevailing wage protects (County, State or Federal) they make $35 an hour and their benefits on top of that. Laborers at $25 plus and equipment operators around $35 plus benefits. Please do the math on a 50-hour workweek. I wish I were back in the field instead of management.
As far as employment goes it couldn’t be better in the construction industry. I work for a large G.C. in Hilo. We are having a very difficult time recruiting new employees.
There are no union painters in the hall and when working prevailing wage protects (County, State or Federal) they make $35 an hour and their benefits on top of that. Laborers at $25 plus and equipment operators around $35 plus benefits. Please do the math on a 50-hour workweek. I wish I were back in the field instead of management.
If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it cost when it’s free...now here come the taxes.....