05-16-2007, 06:15 AM
I agree with Mella, and want to add, if you see a need, and there are others that also see it, YOU can & should try to help. Anyone that can write, can write a grant. There is a lot of money that is available for many of the projects this county needs. If every one who has some time (it takes around 30 hours to write up a federal grant, less for most others - including having it reviewed before sending off. For info on the process of federal grants go to www.grants.gov) It is not brain surgery, mainly making sure that all of the criteria are met & everything is done to the letter. I was in a small team late last summer that drafted a grant for one of the charter schools. It was not a painful process & I got to understand alot of the needs here, and met a group of friends (Still waiting on the results of the grant proposal...hopefully will find out any day...). If you don't want to write, organize a community group (clean up of the area, tutor the school kids, help the elderly, what ever is your passion, there are probably some others that have it & others that would like help with it)