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Moving to East Hawaii & Seeking a Job? Pls read.
Malolo, if it is "something else entirely," why are there so few caucasians working in county offices?

I dunno Chunkster.
Attitude maybe?

The "I see you don't have what I consider to be enough Swedes/Lithuanians/Italians/Danes on your workforce here, so obviously I'm entitled"-strut?

Confidence in one's abilities is one thing.
Arrogance, something else entirely.

In my experience, arrogance (and/or the equally if not even more annoying "I'm-a-victim"-whininess) generally comes through loud and clear in an interview.

In every situation for that matter.
Anywhere on the planet.
Not just Hawai'i.

As does humility.

What place does humility and a willingness to learn (as opposed to mere bragging about one's qualifications) have in an interview?

Seems to me that everything else being equal, education/experience/referral-wise, it's gonna be pretty obvious, after speaking with folks for a bit, which of the applicants are going to make good team-members /leaders /fellow-workers /employees /partners /whatever... and which of course are not.

---malolo (...who, by the way, thinks that holahan and leilaniguy made some valid points above as well)


Edited by - malolo on 05/23/2007 23:19:26

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RE: Moving to East Hawaii & Seeking a Job? Pls read. - by malolo - 05-23-2007, 07:14 PM

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