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Moving to East Hawaii & Seeking a Job? Pls read.
Upon initially reading this thread, it became clear that to refer strictly to one's self would be paramount to avoiding the idea that there is any type of descriminatory intentions involved.

In reading past threads on this forum that have touched upon this particular subject, an observation could be drawn that certain verbiage may (or may not have) lead to unreasonably heated cross-talk which is not attractive or helpful to anyone.

The excessive use of "I" in the earlier post was intentional, and not necessarily an example of a lack of humility.

Continuing to seek gainful employment is the objective here. Dissecting the personalities of everyone who arrives here from another land mass and who applies for positions in this state again, is not helpful.

Any reasonable advice offered that will help in the pursuit of a position that is suited to my skills and disposition would be gratefully received. Mahalo.


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RE: Moving to East Hawaii & Seeking a Job? Pls read. - by Gardenia Lady - 05-24-2007, 05:12 AM

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